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"I thought of you with love today, but that is nothing new, I thought about you yesterday and days before that too. I think of you in silence, I often speak your name, All I have are memories and your picture in a frame. Your memory is my keepsake, with which I'll never part. God has you in His keeping, I have you in my heart." unknown

Bug is now with Christopher,  I know they are have a wonderful time.

Have fun with you daddy Christopher, I'll be there with yall someday.

Love you



Kobbe Trest wearing Christopher's number in his honor


This memorial website was created to remember

our dearest son and only child.


Christopher Neil Thomas(Big Thomas) 

who was born in Tupelo, Mississippi on September12,1989 the happiest day of my life....But on November 19,2005  a parents worse nightmare came true for me.Is a day that will forever haunt me and the worst day of my life. Its the day a wonderful person was taken from us all. Not a day or minute goes by that I don't think of my wonderful son who I only had for 16 yrs. and I wouldn't change those 16 years for anything. It is better to have had that 16 years and to hurt like I do than to have never had it at all. No one knows why but will forever wonder what happened  that day on that stretch of highway and why he was taken.  Christopher was a wonderful son, grandson,cousin,friend to everyone. He never met a stanger and would help anyone. He loved his family, church, his friends, football and his last love the Okolona Fire Dept. Those guys are simply the best anyone could ask for.  Christopher had such a way about him that no one can touch or tarnish. I always new he was special but the after effects of this has been just overwhelming to me. I never knew one person so young could affect so many people from so many places. That shows me that he was indeed an angel while he was here with us and now a true angle with wings of gold just like his heart. I will forver miss him and long to see him and hear that silly laugh of his that would make anyone smile. And lets don't forget when he would say "raise your hand before you talk to grown folks" I love you son and just keep up that good angel work that I know you have mastered. After all you mastered that while you were here so that job must be easy for you. I love you.







Somethings Never Change


Somethings never change

like how much I love you and miss you.

I think of you everyday I can't help but to. 

You left such a void in my

life that I know will never be filled. 

 As much as I try to go on somehow

I'm stuck and can't.

Somethings never change

 like how my heart breaks each and everyday

that I am not with you. You have my heart now

and no one will ever have it but you.

Somethings never change

I love you Christopher so so so much.

Not a day goes by that I don't wish I could see you

touch you, hear you all those things that were taken

so sudden without a good-bye. Wouldn't have

 made it any better though because you still would be gone.

Some things never change

A broken heart will never mend and mind sure won't

I love you Baby, I miss you

Love 4 ever and ever






     A new cross goes up.

    November 18, 2008










       flag football days   t-ball                                  who knows what he was doing                                   chicken pox          started on the phone early didn't he                         















 It unbelievable that I acually have a cap and gown picture. The first year they ever did cap and gown but if they had not i would forever be cheated out of a cap and gown picture. Thanks Nettleton


 At the top of the page there  are  some gold icons. One of them is for updates.



my baby so sweet




Well here's a picture of the kids going to prom babe.

I look at this and they all look so good and so happy

and I'm glad they all had a good time but as I look at this

Picture I see one missing. I know you were there

somehow watching over them.

Love you,




 Easter picture of cousins so sweet



So Sweet and precious.








My guardian ANGEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A present from a couple of the fireman.

An angel indeed.












  just  acting                                          my sweet little boy 



   Another year has begun without you in it for me. So far its ok i guess. I miss you every single day. The years just keep adding up when my heart says its just been yesterday. Anyway I know you are watching over me though and your the best angel i could ask for.

I love you 4-ever



I love you son,Mama



 The Cross the fire department put up at the wreck site.



Christopher's signature




Your smile will forever be in my heart and mind to remind me of the so very special person you were and will always bring a smile to my face just thinking of you,even though my heart  is still breaking each and everyday that you are not here. You did have a heart of gold and was an angel on earth and I now really believe that to be true.



                 Christopher and Melanie                       Homecoming



Christopher, Melanie and Patsy                                        

Christopher,Melanie and Patsy                                        Don't know about this look 

So sweet and precious!  




           Very few of us together!!!!!           








Below is what is on the  plaque which hangs in the

Okolona Fire Department.


 Brother when you weep for me 

 Remember that it was meant to be  

 Lay me down and when you leave

Remember I'll be at your sleeve

In every dark and choking hall

I'll be there as you slowly crawl

On every roof in driving snow

I'll hold your coat and you will know

In cellars hot with searing heat

At windows where a gate you meet

In closets where young children hide

You know I'll be there at your side

The House from which I now respond

Is overstaffed with heroes gone

Men who answered one last bell

Did the job and did it well

As firemen we understand

That death's a card dealt in our hand

A card we hope we never play

But one we hold there anyway

That card is something we ignore

As we crawl across a weakened floor

For we know that we're the only prayer

For anyone that might be there

So remember as you wipe your tears

The joy I knew throughout the years

As I did the job I loved to do

I pray that thought will see you through.

--------Author Unknown------------------- 

Always Remember   

 I'd give anything just to be the tin man
And I wouldn't have a heart and I wouldn't need a soul
you could hurt me all you want. and I wouldnt feel a thing
If I didn't have a heart, I wouldn't miss you so much
But I do so much 





 Sending you my love




A rose for you.   

  Always Remember


RED #74

 In Action in red #74



  I love you forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





I would just like to say that I am so honored and touched that my son is still touching lives a year later.  I knew he was special but not in my wildest dreams would I have thought he would make such an impact on so many.  This is truely amazing to me and as he was special to me and my world I am honored to share him. I hope all enjoy this site and remember such a wonderful angel he was on earth as he is in heaven now. I couldn't have a better angel watching over me because I wouldn't have made it this far without him. And God.

I love you Christopher forever and never forget!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you have my heart with you so take care of it for me.



Hey Christopher,

Well another school year is about to begin and its you senior year. Its gonna be a tough one for me but I'll get through it just like the rest. Elyse had a special shirt made for her senior year. I think you would like it. Remember to watch over all of us and especially me. Keep my heart safe for I don't need it long as you are not here. I love you forever!



 Hey Christopher,

I love you


      The Nettleton Tigers has to be the best football team in the world. The tribute they gave Christopher was the best. I've never been so touched by what the team and all of Nettleton has done. They are very special.                      



Nettleton seniors carring Christopher's jersey out for their last home game.


 Fans with signs remembering you. What a honor.






 T-Shirt I had made







Christopher football pic. 2005                                                                                                  Tiger Paw that was painted at the football field

 I know someone out there has a special memory of Christopher they would like to share. Please there is a place on here to go and leave such memories.

Please feel free to do so.

Thank you so much



Here are a few more websites to visit.











special  fireman's number
Quick Gallery
In action in red! 1st Christmas 1994 Christopher and Rebecca last picture of good friends together 1992 Christopher and Rebecca so sweet 1995 Captains carring Christopher jersey out for coin toss 1990 homecoming parade 1993 A night out with the family. 1991 Dedication to Christopher. 1997