Christopher was born in Tupelo, Ms on September 12, 1989, and was an only child. He weighed only 5lbs 10oz at birth, and at the time he became an angel he was 6’3” and 315 lbs. He lived his entire life in Okolona, MS. He went to school in Nettleton, Ms starting in the 3rd grade. He joined the band in the 6th grade playing the clarinet for 3 yrs. He received the best woodwind award in the 7th grade. He received numerous awards through out school; some including, Best Sportsmanship, academic awards, Principal awards, and honor roll awards. He played t-ball, coach’s pitch, and fastball in Okolona, Ms.
He played 1-year baseball in Nettleton in Jr. High. He started playing peewee football for a tupelo league and played all the games in Fulton, Ms. when he started the 7th grade in Nettleton he played football on the Jr. High team. He started playing for the High School team when entering the 9th grade and played every Friday night. His number is 74 and will be retired for the final 2 years he would have played for Nettleton.
He also played for the JV team during the week as well. He lettered in the 9th grade. He played the entire season in the 10th grade and went to the second round playoffs, first time for Nettleton in their current district. He was at school all that last week on crutches but managed to play the first half of the game even though he was hurt. He felt he had to play so he would not let his teammates down. Unfortunately he was killed the day after his last game. The Nettleton High School Football Team served as honorary pallbearers and wore the jerseys that Christopher played his last game in. They all signed the jersey and presented it to me at the funeral. That was a very special tribute to Christopher. In his spare time he enjoyed hunting and hanging out with his friends and staying at the Okolona Fire Department. Every change he got, you would find him at the Fire Department. He loved the Fire Department and was an explorer, which is the first step to being a Volunteer Fireman. The Fire Department gave him a Fireman’s Funeral and retired his number, which are 957.
Christopher’s last ride was atop the Okolona Fire Truck down Main Street Okolona. He would have been proud of those guys. His goal in life was to help people any way he could. He was taken from us all to soon. I will always miss my son and wish he was here but I know I have the best angel watching over me. You have my heart Christopher so take care of it for me.